Friday, May 17, 2013

Sunday's Video News

Hey guys, the Bitch here, just wanted to give you a heads up that I might not have a video made for Sunday. I just recently found IRL employment and it kinda cuts straight into my video-making time of the day (this will change as my sleep schedule evens out again) so there might not be a new video until Wednesday.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Laughing at Haters

It's actually really very funny when people decide that, because I didn't like something they liked or because they're friends with someone who wrote something I didn't like, they'll white knight for that person and try to get me to shut up.
I will not shut up. The harder you try to silence me, the louder I will yell. I do not take kindly to people attempting to silence me for my opinion. If I say that something reads as though a 7 year old wrote it, that is my opinion. I am entitled to it. I can post a video expressing that opinion if I so choose.
Calling me a bully after bitching at me about my choices and the fact that I have 9 subscribers on youtube (for a REASON, says one fellow!) is kinda hypocritical.
You will never silence the Book Bitch. If you want to change my mind about something, that is not the way to do it.